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Zoologie: Knochenpräparate


Gebiss eines Walhaies.
Grösse 95X 71 cm

Beschrieb in Englisch:
As the largest fish in the ocean, it's ironic that the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) would choose the smallest organisms, plankton, as their main nutritional source. The whale shark uses about 5,000 tiny teeth to filter feed; water containing plankton and small fish gets sucked into the whale shark's mouth, and then the whale shark pushes the water out through its gills, so that only the fish remain. Dr. Gordon Hubbell, who generously loaned us the jaw, had the following to say about the BC® cast: "I have carefully examined it, and all I have to say is, 'Wow!' You did a fantastic job on this reproduction. I am especially impressed with how well the teeth came out. You have a crew of magicians out there, and they sure worked their magic with this jaw."


Bone Clones  
Walhai Kieferabguss


Walhai Kieferabguss

€ 1’002.00
Alle Preise zuzüglich MwSt und Versandkosten