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Mensch: Schädel

Schädel junger Mensch

Homo sapiens
Schädel eines jungen Menschen, zweiteilig, Schädeldach geschlossen.
Auf Anfrage ist ein Ständer erhältlich (Artikel S-BC-301)
Beschrieb in Englisch:
This skull is associated with the Adolescent Skeleton, SC-301. Race and sex cannot be reliably determined on subadult remains. In this case, features of race are overwhelmingly Asian, and thus such an opinion is somewhat easy to offer. Sex can be impossible to determine from the non-metric analysis of subadult remains. In this circumstance, the totality of features is most in keeping with those of a slightly gracile young male who has not yet fully developed his sexual characteristics (osteologically speaking). Alternatively, the features might be those of a slightly robust female.

For an osteological evaluation report (PDF), a copy of which will be sent with the purchase of this specimen, go to BC-301-Report. Should you have questions or comments regarding the report, please contact us at reports@boneclones.com. 2-part skull (separate cranium & jaw).

Schädel junger Mensch

Bone Clones  
Schädel junger Mensch Schädelabguss


Schädel junger Mensch Schädelabguss

€ 321.60
Alle Preise zuzüglich MwSt und Versandkosten