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Mensch: Forensik und Pathologie

Forensisches Modell-Set

Homo sapiens
Forensisches Modell-Set mit Unterrichts-Unterlagen (Englisch)
Das Modell enthällt folgende Modelle:
Female European Skull (BCM-891)
Schädel afrikanischer Mann (BC-110)
Schädel europäischer Mann mit Schusswundel (BC-152)
Schädel, Becken, Oberschenkel, Oberarm (Modellset) (COMP-112)
Schädel, Becken, Oberschenkel, Oberarm (Modellset) (COMP-113)
Rippe mit Projektil (FO-101)

Beschrieb in Englisch:
Forensic Osteology Set
This valuable set was created to introduce the student to human osteology. While focused on forensic anthropology, this collection will be applicable to a broad range of concepts in biological anthropology, biomechanics and comparative anatomy. Educators and students will find Comp-114 of great use to demonstrate how professional forensic anthropologists create a “biological profile” for a selection of skeletal remains. Included is a 10 page lesson plan (see excerpts in the photos to the left) written by our Research Specialist, which will guide one through the basic methods of skeletal identification, including detailed tables on sex determination, ancestry assessment, age estimation, stature assessment and a descriptive analysis of gunshot wound trauma. Also included is a Human Skeletal Features handout, which defines skeletal directional terminology and outlines important skeletal features in the human skeleton. This set is an excellent addition to any introductory program in human osteology and forensic science.

Forensisches Modell-Set

Bone Clones  
Forensisches Modell-Set Knochenabgüsse


Forensisches Modell-Set Knochenabgüsse

€ 1’980.00
Alle Preise zuzüglich MwSt und Versandkosten