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Mensch: Hirn / Kopf- / Nervensystem


Homo sapiens
Gehirnmodell in 7 Frontalebenen. Das Modell lässt sich durch Steckverbindungen und Magneten einfach montieren und demontieren.
Beschrieb in Englisch:
Human Brain Multiple Coronal Sections

The Human Brain in Multiple Coronal Sections offers an innovative way to study the structure of the brain. Current diagnostic tests available allow for various views of structures in the same patient. Given that neurologic anatomical markers are often used to confirm suspected diagnoses, students in health sciences must become adept at deciphering neurologic structures from various views. Until recently, proper models of the human brain in coronal sections have not been available. We are proud to offer the Bone Clones® Human Brain in coronal sections, which has been created in consultation with Cara Davies, Ph.D. Dr. Davies has also created an extensive lesson plan, which is provided with a KO-515 purchase.

Discreet built-in magnets and push-fit mating surfaces make it easy to fit and hold sections of the brain firmly together.


Bone Clones  
Gehirn Modell (7-teilig)


Gehirn Modell (7-teilig)

€ 948.00
Alle Preise zuzüglich MwSt und Versandkosten