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Zoology: Bones

Goliath Frog

Conraua goliath
Goliath Frog Skeleton, Articulated
From West Africa's cascading mountain streams, the goliath frog is the largest frog in the world. This frog species, weighing up to 7 pounds, with a body length of 12 1/2 inches (measuring over 3 feet from nose to toe) has a ten foot leap. This particular individual is reported to be of record size. The eggs and tadpoles of this giant species are of comparable size to those of other species; however, the goliath frog's tadpoles are said to grow faster than any other amphibian for 30 days in the middle of their metamorphosis. The skull is available individually.

Conservation Status: Endangered

Body length 12 1/2" / 31.8 cm

Goliath Frog

Bone Clones  
Goliath Frog


Goliath Frog

CHF 921.60
All prices plus VAT and shipping costs