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Human: Complete Skeletons / Spines

Female HumanSkeleton, Asian, Articulated

Homo sapiens
Human Female Asian Skeleton, Articulated
This complete human Asian female articulated skeleton is greater than 30 years of age. With the diminished availability of natural bone skeletons, Bone Clones® products are increasingly used in advanced anatomical and osteological instruction. Osteologic features suggestive of female sex include the relative gracility of bony prominences, single frontal boss, smooth nasion and a round anteroinferior mandible.

All individual postcranial bones are also available, See the SC-211 Group Page.

Durable Stand on Wheels Included

5' tall / 152.4 cm

Female HumanSkeleton, Asian, Articulated

Bone Clones  
Female HumanSkeleton, Asian, Articulated


Female HumanSkeleton, Asian, Articulated

Upon request
All prices plus VAT and shipping costs